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Alberto Vazquez..

¡Ideal para recrear los sabores argentinos en cualquier lugar del mundo! RECETAS TRADICIONALES Y ACTUALES: Empanadas; Asados y parrillas; Verduras y rellenos; Salsas y vinagretas; Milanesas y croquetas; Pucheros; locros y humitas; Guisos; cazuelas y escabeches; Tortillas y revueltos; Pasteles; tartas y budines; Pastas; Postres y dulces; El mate. // Enjoy the true Argentinian experience at home! TRADITIONAL AND CONTEMPORARY RECIPES: Turnovers; Roasts and Grills; Vegetables and Fillings; Sauces and Vinaigrettes; Breaded Steaks and Croquettes; Beef Pots; Locro Stews and Corn Puddings and Pies; Stews; Casseroles and Soused Meats; Spanish Omelettes and Scrambles; Pies; Tarts and Loaf Cakes; Pasta; Desserts and Sweet Spreads; The Mate Drink

$ 46290,00

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